Jolly's posts
Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Its alright, theres nothing wrong with the pad-style tablets :D They are definitely better for preserving space.
my cintiq is far too bulky and thats the only thing I hate about it when I live in such a small room.
but man, I hear you there. I need more income lol
@priestess of pie:
Well at least I get to sit in class xD except on thursdays. But yeah, ngl my tummy had the longest, weirdest sounding growl while I was working on this lady's hands and it was slightly embarrassing.
Oh geez, did she get a large size intuos or did I forget how big they are? It HAS been a while xD
I swear though Ive never heard of bamboo tablet pens not breaking. Like people are always sending them to get fixed within a year or 2. Maybe that many people just dont take care of them!
the tablet itself I've heard great things of though.
Oh yeah? I think its a useful way of practicing. Using bases you can see how others chose to place pixels strategically and its like "Ohhhhh"
at least for me haha

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
@priestess of pie:
Right? I had a chair massage event to go to right after class today
But I didn't get the chance to eat at all until after words so that just destroyed my energy levels xD
Oh, there's no such thing as a tool being too advanced. Its just a matter of comfort levels.
I always recommend intuos tablets, either the medium or small ones (no-screen tablet sizes dont make a difference imo) and they also run pretty cheap.
Bamboos are also recommended but personally... I hear of their pens breaking way too often.
clip studio is my love <33
I second Priestess' statement
Yeah I'll pop a mention up there about it! Maybe get enough of them and just RNG them every couple of weeks haha
I like this idea

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Ahh well, if you ever had the interest in upgraded hardware, I've heard the Gaomon PD1560 is a pretty good screen tablet for a lower price. Like 300 ish or something? compared to a cintiq thats pretty amazing for something with (as far as reviews go) great pen pressure/sensitivity ect. It just has a glossy screen that can be fixed with a matte cover.
But of course, my first recommendation would be to try out different software and adjust the brushes to kinda accommodate for wonky tablet.
@priestess of pie:
hmm tested out the poll feature and I'm not sure if it'll let me make another one after the first one finishes. I might go with the idea of pregenerated prompts.
But I dont really mind deciding as we go, you all are free to tell me what you're feeling like making too! or if you want it more or less complex :D

Posted in testing poll functions
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
aww, what software/hardwares do you use right now?
painting is a skill beyond me. I rely a lot on lineart.
I know right <3
I still need to decide on the next theme for friday
food items tend to be fun since they're often cute to look at and not overly complicated. but maybe I should try other themes too~

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I have people I get along with irl but I have a hard time getting TOO close. Even my classmates hurt me recently and I've just started getting attached to them over christmas :vanora_sweat: Started to put in too much energy to cook for them and such.
So I just stay home, cook ramen and beg bf to play video games with me xD
Its so nice having a safe person like that, though!
Yeah idk what happened on there either. It was an interesting experience though. I wasn't super active, but any time I'd speak it felt like a mistake.
I started to think that recolor defined all the current online communities now. So glad that there's a mature, welcoming site like this one still <3
Ohhh your shading for it was pretty amazing! And I like how shiny it is. Sorry if it stirs up bad memories though.
Would you be joining us in pixeling things? c:
staying just to chat is fine too! All the more fun either way

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I mean, no less than short-distance relationships tbh. I've had too many of both and christ, would I have some insane stories to tell xD
In the gist, I don't like socializing outside of the internet anymore. except for current bf.
But of course, you're right, if you have the right person involved then its a wonderfully awesome thing. Not all of my experiences were bad. :D
That site got to me, man. People hated me no matter how hard I tried to be kind and they were really good at making it seem like it was my fault, or like I was just too lame or dumb. I was in some deep depression at the time so I shouldn't have been there in the first place xD
Anyway, I prefer these pixel avis <3 these sites are probably how I got to where I am with art too!
Haha right? Some of them are pretty old but still very useful!
I'd love to see your old pixels :D

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
ohh thats awesome though. good luck on it! long distance is hard but I really admire those who make it work. ive done it in the past before but people always became too impatient or dishonest with me, so I gave up. then later on I met my current one at work o/
avi sites attract a certain kind of people that I enjoy chatting with online. there's a lack of judgement (on most sites, not speaking for all of them recolorme) and a sort of artistic flow of inspiration that helps me improve my work. Otherwise just a breath of fresh air away from real world dramas xD

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Oh no, we live together currently. Thats what I meant by its a tight snug, as in physically.. the room we share is smol xD
thank you!
my best friend would also do it, so we just bounced these habits off of each other.
Ahh I love it! The style of shading you chose works really well! It has more depth to the ice cream part <3
@priestess of pie:
I'm partial to anything with peanutbutter in it. Or gummy bears. Those in ice cream are so good

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
or rather, I'm better off at my parents where I have to share everything outside my room anyway, AND have my so with me xD
Its a tight snug but it works until i graduate and get my massage license.
I used to do it when I was a teen, but yeah I cant stand it anymore lmao
I saw someone recently post a thread somewhere that did a '//hides in a bush' at the end and I'm like