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Posted in My dad's third eye Posted 5 years ago

I was watching something recently that pressed on about some third eye nonsense. And I remembered a chunk of my childhood where I thought my dad LITERALLY had a third eye.
There's this old photo of my parents, just a cute portrait, that someone had photoshopped a third eye onto my dad's forehead. I asked my dad what happened to it and he said he had it surgically removed. He didn't think I'd believe him for years. But I did.
I told my mom I need a copy of it for my own household and she forgot about it too, had a good laugh.

Dunno why, thought I'd share lmao
and then I cry when I realize this was 23 years ago

Posted in My grama is getting evicted [rant] Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
Right, exactly. My mom knows her limits thankfully. This time she might be stretching it a little further than usual, since I know she's working on paying off some credit cards. Like, dont get me wrong, my mother is a budgeting champion so she has it handled. But I wouldn't put it past her to sacrifice something financially for another person. This would definitely set back the goals my mother wants to work for.

Posted in My grama is getting evicted [rant] Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
yeah, I'm sure if they found a possible way, they would be happier to do that.
sadly I can't invest in it myself, cant even afford my car insurance right now lmao /life

Posted in My grama is getting evicted [rant] Posted 5 years ago

@priestess of pie:
That sounds really lovely. I know they aren't all bad, but considering how far away we are, its a bit difficult to scout them out. It would be great if our other family would help out with finding a good place, and I'm sure some of them would be happy to. But I don't think my parents can afford to pay for a home, since they're currently paying off a LOT of medical bills and paying for my sister's insulin for her. We've had a crazy past couple of years :vanora_sweat:
I'll talk with them about it though and see what kind of plan we might come up with, if any

Posted in remember those.. pixel threads Posted 5 years ago

Oh, those sound like fun! I don't think I played on any sites like those.
But that does kinda remind me of that dragon cave egg hatching site. I cant remember if those were all pixel dragons or only some of them. But god was that a fun concept back when everyone was doing it

Posted in Vaughn's Memory Posted 5 years ago

Okaaay this was a bit of fun
would add more detail if I wasn't lazy xD

oh my god, Goblin lmao

Posted in My grama is getting evicted [rant] Posted 5 years ago

@kitalpha hart:
@priestess of pie:
She's actually my dad's mom, and even he wants nothing to do with bringing her in. lol My mom's just the one who's always "gotta help your elders/everyone even if you dont think they deserve it". Its the side of her that I respect, but also struggle dealing with sometimes haha

Anyway, I did think about assisted living/nursing home sort of things. They have a bad rep for neglecting people, but at the same time, my grandmother would die if she lived in colorado. She's on a pacemaker and living 5k above sea level is even difficult for me.
But then begs the question, who's going to pay for the home? How expensive are they ect. I'm sure my mother would be thinking about it as well. Probably why this whole thing is a whoppin' "maybe"

Posted in My grama is getting evicted [rant] Posted 5 years ago

from her mobile home in florida. My mother is considering bringing her here to live with us in colorado because all of her other family in florida want nothing to do with it.

this grandmother of mine is a character. one minute she acts like a sweet and dainty old lady, then at the snap of our fingers she will transition to a hateful, scratchy-voiced, mean woman. As a child it used to scare me when I would be sitting and talking to her, then my aunt would bring up a person's name that apparently my grandmother had some beef with. Then she'd just turn a 180 and be swearing up a storm and I couldn't tell if I was safe to be there or if that anger might throw in my direction. I didn't understand the concepts of mental health and disorders at the time, so I used to think that her sweet side was just an act. It DOES have a fakeness about it. But, it could also very well be uncontrollable, and I'm not one to judge that bit. Regardless, this side has made it hard for others to help her. But that isn't without them trying.

She's a hoarder, eats food that has expired and her kitchen is always coated with ants. Spends all her money at the dollar store so she can fill her home to the ceiling with junk. She used to work for Ross but was fired for shoplifting there. Then she worked at toll booths for as long as I can recall.
This lady has lost a few marbles upstairs. Kept obtaining pets somehow but only to kill them with neglect, and then act like everything is sweet and normal while the corpses lie under her mobile home, making the whole place smell terrible. One time we visited from out of state and first thing she did was have us move her furniture and ask us to clean up the half-rotted cat from under her porch. We rejected the last one.
Oh yeah, and she glued her teeth back in. And continues.. to glue them until all you see is glue. Misshaped her mouth and she can barely speak.

Anyway, yeah. I'm worried about having this lady live with me. It isn't set in stone, but I've been contemplating it still. Usually when my parents bring people into their home out of a charity like this, something goes terribly wrong. This lady HAS stolen my parents' social security numbers and stuff when we lived with her once, for a VERY short time, when I was like 13. And she tried getting me and my siblings taken away from our parents by reporting abuse. They were cleared of course. Like, my parents were harsh and strict, but I wouldn't go so far as to say abusive.

My parents say they would lay down strict rules for grama to respect their home and not just turn it into another hoarding situation. But.. I just have this feeling it wont work out in their favor. There might be a lot of fighting. And I'll have to invest in a safe for my personal documents, since my filing cabinet is a bit too easy to pick.

I keep thinking about what is the right thing to do. Or what would I do if this was my problem directly. Would I bring her into my home when no one else would? Or would I send her to a homeless shelter and say "we all tried to avoid this but you did it to yourself". That seems unfair to someone who needs mental help pretty badly. But at the same time, is it my job to support someone else for making bad life choices? When we've tried so many times for so many people, and they always end up going after us, sabotaging or running away to do drugs and then knock on our windows after midnight like crazy people.

Ethical dilemmas, man! The subject of the season, for me lol

Posted in blin's Christmas Shop [open] Posted 5 years ago

Thanks for accepting c:
I started the trade, but no hurry!

Posted in shake a bag of coins for the new year! Posted 5 years ago

The philippines. Although it might just be his family's tradition, like I know his mom is a bit superstitious anyways. c:

Posted in Vyctor's Memory Posted 5 years ago

4th row, 4th snowman
3rd row, 5th snowman
2nd row, 7th snowman
3rd row, 6th snowman

Wow, I totally thought it was tuesday today
guess I ought to really get my homework done

Thanks for the resources. That first one helps a lot :D

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁ Posted 5 years ago

My attempt at being productive on new years

gimme a year to actually finish it though