Jolly's posts
Posted in blin's Christmas Shop [open]
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
OH that thing! I've more commonly heard it called a T-implant or IUD. But the latter is just an abbreviation of what you said, cause standard english speakers cant handle medical words xD
but yeah I think they can have similar symptoms. Any birth control probably could, I think. There's also a cheaper option for shots that I almost did. Each shot lasts 3 months and you can use them at home (needles dont bother me). I didn't wanna risk forgetting to take a shot and end up with worse cramps, which my doctor said is very likely if I stop taking birth control suddenly.

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
what is this spiral?
and yeah, half of the reason was for the strong contraception for me. I'm like, deathly terrified of live birth and pregnancy. Even though I'm not stupid about things I just don't like that the standard methods are only around 75% effective. Too slim, noty.
I'll only ever be a mother if I adopt xD
I dont think it would be a bad idea to get tested. Or at least to talk with a doctor about it O:

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah its a little stick that's inserted in your upper-inner arm like a shot and it has birth control in it, which gradually is fed to you over time. Lasts about 3 years (they SAY its 5 now, but the paperwork that comes with it only guarantees 3) and is also a very strong contraceptive.
Anyway yeah, its great for lessening or removing cramps but there's a chance of it having all sorts of other symptoms. Depends on the person and how their body reacts to it. When I first got it, I had a lot of like.. pregnancy symptoms xD morning sickness, tenderness, weight gain and cravings, missed periods for like 3 months and other nonsense. But then as my body adjusted its like, yea lets just bleed forever k
I contemplate how much its worth having since my body feels unstable since having it in. all it saves me is excruciating pain (usually was one day out of the month) and i dont worry about preggers

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in I've had this cold since Christmas day
Posted 5 years ago
ouch, yeah that would make sense. I do tend to swallow any drainage I get cause I'm not always in a position where I can spit it out. Like, mid class or something lol
Lol thats a funny way to put it, but yeah. I'm asthmatic so it doesn't take much to get me wheezing in the bitter weathers. And of course, any time I'm sick with a cough involved, usually turns into wheezing also.
Oh! and I find that local honey is excellent for throat soothing. The less sugar in it the better of course.

Posted in I've had this cold since Christmas day
Posted 5 years ago
I was pretty badly sick christmas week too. I still have a lingering cough but its gone softer finally.
According to my instructor, part of my problem is my inability to hack out mucus manually like some people can, so it builds up in my chest until I jolt awake at 2am into gagging fits and bf thinks im literally dying
I hope you get better though 3 the wheezing can be the worst
make sure to consume plenty of vitamin c

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
phewwww i almost went to school only to have all my school mates flake out on our meeting. I would've ended up bussing and walking home if I didn't get suspicious and text them as I was leaving the house :vanora_sweat:
caught them just in time.
dont flake on friends that cant drive to campus...
@priestess of pie:
I am in love with all the wol/exarch posts I see on twitter. Knowing who the exarch character is, I had to rush through the end of stormblood and get to him :vanora_xd:
Honestly, heavensward and shadowbringers (so far) are the most interesting storylines to me. stormblood is pretty good too, but I wasn't AS into it.
its great that you have nice friends like that though, I wish I had friends in the game. Used to work for a guy who made a free company for all his associates and we'd play together. But they were mostly kinda toxic and I took my leave eventually.
Oooh thank you for the tutorials! Those honestly look really helpful and adorable <3
I'll add them to the front :D
I'm so excited for all the enthusiasm in this thread

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
@priestess of pie:
honestly I dont blame you, considering how lengthy ARR quest line is! I have a hard time staying focused on it lately cause of school and work. and I'm definitely not one of those "I'm a lv80 on all jobs AND professions!" kinda player.
nah dawg im a lv70 dragoon tut-tutting along. Took me like 3 or 4 years to reach half a month worth of gameplay, so I'm pretty casual at it :vanora_xd:
but I'm no less obsessed..

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
@priestess of pie:
Ohh another ffxiv goer! Ive been subbed for a couple of weeks but only played for a couple days' worth xD
I do the same as llama with paying for a month and then only playing for a week. but mostly cause of busy life..
oh my god
those are the cutest little ice creams. I love the teensy size, while they still maintain their form pretty well <3
dont feel obligated to draw for every challenge (although its recommended for personal pixel growth) xD
this ice cream one will be on until the 17th so you have time to take a break for games!