Jolly's posts
Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah and here, just renting a room from someone is almost the same cost of an apartment, but you're not allowed to have your lover with you xD
I ain't going anywhere without my other human, noty
lmaoo its all good. xD still slips my fingers too, I see nothing wrong with it!
I only start to get creeped out when people are speaking with uwu owo faces too much. and the RP speak. Then I'm like... did 2008 come back? lmao

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Yeah especially with the cost of colorado. Its soooooo over inflated with not that many opportunities for growth. Unless you're into welding and oil fields.
A lot of my coworkers in retail are older people who used to be business owners and everything fell through lol
Yeah I kind of wish my original gaia account would die in a fire for how my personality used to be as a child. I mirrored my parents a bit too much with what prejudice flaws they have. But also the open humor at that time period where it was okay to make jokes that are.. horribly insensitive. That and the rawrXD phase of my generation was strong.
I cringe more than laugh, really. lmao

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
Hhaa yeah I had to move back in with mine a couple months ago. Again. I cant seem to keep a home for longer than a year.
Spells! thats what they were called. that site was great while it lasted. I had a close knit squad too <3
ernya was my first home outside of gaia (although gaia had a LOT of my art growth). I had been on many other sites, but that one felt the best. even though I was an obnoxious tit at the time xD angsty kid
lmao poor mene

Posted in ❀ Spring Shack ❁
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I moved here when I was still a kid (ish.. 19) cause my parents found good jobs up here. Although, all of our health has dropped SIGNIFICANTLY since the move. So I've been trying to leave ^^;
Yeah I had that dying freedom on Ernya when that was a thing and it spoiled me so much I couldn't look at other sites the same way xD
But then that site died and I went on a long avi site hiatus. Now I'm relearning them lmao
I feel that! gaia was my first and it does not have a special place anymore lmao better in memory though, sooooo many good times

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
I'm from florida, but live in colorado now!
Aww thats no fun D:
I havent heard of pantheon, but I checked it out when you mentioned it and then forgot to come back to here LOL
took a hot minute to figure out their avi system but I dig it.
I've checked out menewsha in the past (never made an account though) and I think it seemed too sluggish for me at the time.

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
trolli is my bfs favorite, besides sour patch kids.
honestly my immune system only dropped since moving to a northern state. So part of me just blames that I was only made for tropical climates >>
Honestly though! You hang around any other avi sites? I haven't in forever, not even sure whats still active lol

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago
hmmm I cant actually remember whats my favorite candy. I like gummy snakes (the haribo half-sour ones) and gummy lifesavers xD
I like a lot of candy types but I try not to consume too much since my immune system is a bit low these days. sugar just lowers it more.
Yeahh I tend to consider myself a newb until I know all the ins and outs of a site. Like I'm either new or old, no in between haha

Posted in Shelf Tours pyp
Posted 5 years ago
I would not suffer you guys a picture of my measly cube/cubby shelves that are riddled with nonsense at the moment. While some cool things rest upon these cheap wooden surfaces, like my ffxiv and other nerdy figurines; I also have toiletries occupying them since they sit close to the restroom. And if they go INTO the restroom, my sibling will use them up immediately :vanora_xd:
Also why towels dampen the top of these shelves, to avoid my sibling's toothpaste-and-makeup face smears.
Oh, and I have ballet shoes/leotard shoved to the back of these shelves to hide them from my family that would mock me endlessly if they discovered my new hobby lmao
but dang, you all make me look like a slob with your tidy shelves

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in ✐ Pixel Academy -- Practice and Challenges together!
Posted 5 years ago