Jolly's posts
Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

I say this in a respectful manner, but you probably would be! It could be very enlightening and makes these things feel way more normal, for the person experiencing it. I did a research paper on ADHD for my pathology class and it really took out some of the frustrations I always had growing up with it. Made me kinda understand on a cellular level (as far as its known, cause not all of it is totally understood yet) and a little bit of "why" am I like this.
It makes it feel less like "my brain is broke" and more like "my brain is very healthy, it just has a process that doesn't fit the mold of society"
But once I learn how to work WITH my brain, either chemically with supplements or just with routine styles, I can strain a little bit less to do normal tasks.

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

True, it does! It helps me fill the blanks a bit, but now we all wear masks lmao
Man, the brain is such an interesting thing. Mental conditions that tell how each brain is functioning and how it receives/responds to information is SO cool to study. Its a bit relevant in my field xD

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah, I probably get that too a bit, but also I'm probably losing some of my hearing a bit already lol just like, some frequencies can be difficult to hear over others. I notice that I have to turn the tv up a bit more than my partner does so I can properly make out speech.

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah eye contact bothers me too. I can only look at my partner and my mother in the eyes. But even then, sometimes I cant do that either xD
There's just too much in those little marbles, its overwhelming

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Hahaha you sound like me, minus insomnia. I finally shook that one off xD
I wonder if cbd might help you to sleep? A more natural means to calm the body. And with this pandemic, its pretty good for immune system too.
Hahaha yes! When I think too hard sometimes I glance around as if I'm looking at my thoughts and I never noticed this habit until I was with my partner recently and it seemed like I was suddenly looking away from him while he was talking.
but really, my thought over there caught my attention
IDK MAYBE THATS WEIRD but its only like, really loud thoughts that do that xD

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah same, I always make a joke that I'm like a chinchilla, ever since I met one in the past. It would sit perfectly still in the middle of the room and it looked kinda blank and seemed to be doing nothing. But in reality its little gears were spinning and it was mapping out a whole plan for how to escape the barricades and "walls" we made, so he can go exactly where he knew we didn't want him to be (in a pile of cables that were plugged in). THen in like 0.5 seconds he'd suddenly burst into action and succeed lmao
Haha naps are good! Have you had enough sleep (or food)? xD

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Sorry, I did mean that I dont mind which style, I'm fine with whatever you choose to do!

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Hahaha its aight, some days are like that XD
my hands are getting too cold to write, all of a sudden it started snowing today
That chibi <3 so cute!
You definitely have a great style, I encourage you to share it :D
YEAH! I mean, thats what I do when I'm multitasking. I'm kind of feeding into what I WANT to do while doing what I need to do lmao
caffeine helps me to read without my eyes darting all over the page and then wandering away entirely.
I dont have autism (although there's some speculation of mild aspergers, nothing confirmed) but adhd is definitely my bro
a 24-7 attempt to be functional while tripping and stumbling but still making it through life anyways lmfao

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

I don't mind which styles, as long as you have fun with it! :D
I just offer both avis in case one color pallet stands out more than the other.
And yeah, I have adhd so I have to load myself with caffeine and multitask in order to really hone in on whatever my task is XD
I have a very hard time studying normally, so this way I kinda stay motivated to push on with it

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Yes of course c:
I'll probably keep hanging around on here too. Multitasking helps my brain focus haha
Also, seems I got 22 on my last post! :O
If that means I won something, lemme post my avi outside of its egg for reference LOL

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Oh most definitely, I have a notebook on me right now that I'm jotting things down on.
I have about 6 hours of time to study, I THINK I'll be aight XD as long as I dont overstudy and brain goes brrrrr

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

I do have some AMAZING resources for studying, so I should be alright as long as I remember the info I've studied.
THe exam place gave my school these booklets for every student to take which even tells us how much of each subject will be on the exam, based on %
which helps to study

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

And yes it is a multiple choice exam! It just covers a lot of subjects, so its intimidating XD
some of the subjects I never took a class for

Posted in Random doodles~!
Posted 4 years ago

Yes yes, helps me not feel anxious as much ~v~
even though I really
really really really wanna draw right now
because I cant lmfao