Jolly's posts
Posted in I cannot catch a friggin break [update!]
Posted 4 years ago

it's happened before, but not for my whole stash. Then for a while I wasn't allowed to store food in the kitchen at all, and also not allowed to use 95%of the food she puts in there. I was quite the anorexic kid >:|
My bf lets me store stuff at his place but I try not to too much cause yknow, it's not my home and he has room mates so I don't want to take up space.
Gonna have to though.
Im honestly betting it's something to do with the elections. My parents are kinda being snappy in general cause they think the Democrats are uber cheating and they just want trumpster to win, so they're pissssssed even though the results aren't out yet.

Posted in I cannot catch a friggin break [update!]
Posted 4 years ago

I'm still gonna store stuff at my bf's place in the future but I'm glad that this time I got through to her. This is quite out of character for the stubborn lady to give any form of apology about something. I appreciate it.
My mother threw all my food away while I was gone for 7 freaking days. Im so livid and sad, I had a busy afternoon full of crabby people, I just wanted to have some ice cream and watch tv
Ive been having financial issues cause it's like I'm constantly being hit with unexpected things I need to take care of, and all my bills are coming out this week. Last thing I needed was like $20-30 worth of my food to be suddenly trashed for no reason. Probably cause my mother rather purge my things than to clean out her own old ass food from the back of the fridge/freezer to make room for more.
of course when confronted she just tells me I can't tell her what to do in her house. ugh
This fully ruined my day :(

Posted in Chapter One: Through the Looking Glass
Posted 4 years ago

Duuude I love this!
Very very well done you guys <3

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

Oh that is very interesting. I do not intend to practice it, but I would love to hear about what your rituals consist of! I haven't read about any of the sort really :vanora_icon:
That sounds very nice, I'm glad you got to relax for the weekend! I'm sure everyone must of had fun xD
Aw, maybe next year you can spend it together? double up on the celebrations to cover both anniversaries! Haha
Sometimes its really healthy to just kick back with a parent instead. I've been painting things for my mom for the recent holidays because I keep getting this nagging feeling that I should give her more attention XD Like I spend too much time not at her home anymore.
I shall try! I'm home today and tomorrow, but I have a load of commissions to work on \o/
Do you have a hangout thread I can poke at when I take breaks?
Man I really wanted to make cookies last night, but I had no ingredients for it. I whined so much at my wallet that finally my bf took us to get ice cream instead (way cheaper to do so) and we had a giggle about it xD
Gross, I always worked on halloween for the past few years!
But thats awesome you still got to do something fun O: Gummy shots sound like they could be either great or terrible--or that I'd probably just choke on them cause I'm 28 and still dont know how to do shots lmfao
Well before I went over to his place, I did chat with my parents some and they had sealed goodie bags of candy (that has been "quarantined" in a room for a month prior) for handing out. Kids in their neighborhood definitely didn't do much to socially distance, except for from other groups of kids xD But we at least wanted them to have safe candy from us.
With my bf, we just stayed in and drank box wine. I never had wine that cheap before so I didn't know how hard it would hit me, I got QUITE silly. But it was fun. We didn't do much else since we end up getting too distracted talking to each other and laughing our faces off until we fall asleep lmao

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

That sounds awesome still! Sometimes casual costumes can be better, more comfortable :D
Oh we aren't long distance, I live about 20 minutes from him. I was just on a trip Haha
I'm very glad I came home early from it. When things are really stressful or unpleasant, he is my safe space! I've been giddy for daysssss now XD
@kitalpha hart:
Hahaha awesome!
@miss sandman:
Hahaha thats good XD I have a grandmother that did that to me as a small child. The films weren't that scary to adults, it was Mars Attacks and IT, but I was super traumatized by them as a kid lmao

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

Thats awesome! I haven't dressed up for halloween in a while. I'm always either too busy working or don't have the money for it, or both!
But I honestly get more excited to draw holiday themes than to dress in them c:

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

@miss sandman:
I misread that as being WITH the baby, like wow you're starting their life excitingly with horror movies :vanora_xd:
But that is nice, having a little break to be able to do something like that <3

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

That sounds like an awesome way to spend the holiday <3
I was on a trip across the country, which was going sour, so I thought I was gonna end up spending my halloween with a bunch of awful people in a house that was falling apart enough that it could fit in a silent hill game. Very uncomfortable!
But then my bf read my mind like "you dont have to stay there"
so I ran my butt across the country in a last minute flight and dove into him :vanora_xd: It ended up a very blissful night, and we laughed so dang much I almost forget that I was so stressed out before hand!
then I got altitude sickness from not resting cause I got too excited lmfao

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

I want to hear about your Halloween or if you've done anything fun during October <3
I struggle to be active on these sites unless I have something crazy exciting to talk about lmao But I do love popping in to read whats going on when I can!

Posted in 5 days til my exam!!
Posted 4 years ago

This is probably the most important exam I'd take in my life so far lol
SO MUCH depends on me passing this thing. But I have a decent amount of confidence, so I really hope that I do pass it.
And when I do pass, I can finally work as a massage therapist! I'm quite excited.

Posted in when it rains it poors
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in when it rains it poors
Posted 4 years ago

Yes, there definitely isn't much studied for cbd helping with mono symptoms, but by understanding some basic properties of the extract I figured it was worth to try.
Thank god I did though, my mind is still blown by how fast he recovered from how bad it got.
We got a call from the doctor last night finally and they confirmed he has a minor case of mono based on the tests (idk how his level of pain/swelling is minor, wouldn't wanna see it in a major case lol) aaaaand they said they CAN'T HELP still. There is definitely a medication for mono so i don't know what the hell these people are on about. His symptoms were definitely hard to miss but I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't pay attention beyond their textbooks. Ive always had this kind of experience since moving to this state. Southern state doctors always took care of me and my family. They were faster about it too if it was something painful or serious.
Its a damn good thing we had it handled already. This morning he woke up full of energy and excited cause he has no symptoms anymore at all. We're still gonna be cautious with diet, since the virus may still be dormant in him for a while. But im very happy

Posted in when it rains it poors
Posted 4 years ago

More rants but also Im very relieved today.
My partner has been very ill suddenly. His symptoms and signs seem like he might have mono or a very extreme tonsilitis. But more sounding like the former.
Ive been staying at his place because I noticed he wasn't breathing in his sleep. His apnea was scaring the hell out of me, so I'd only half-sleep while listening to him, and when he'd stop breathing Id flip him onto his back or sometimes have to wake him cause hed go too long without air.
Still, it got worse each night and he couldn't lay flat anymore.
The pain got so severe he couldn't sleep for more than a few minutes either. His tonsils were swelling more and more so he couldn't speak. Then he couldn't eat, it hurt so terribly.
Before it got to this, I took him to the doctor when he thought it might just be strep.
They saw him for like 5 minutes, confirmed it was a viral infection, then said "well its not strep, so cant help you!"
No advice, no further testing. I was pretty livid but kept silent until his symptoms got so severe, I brought him back to them again yesterday. They did 2 more tests, one for lipid which cleared, and one for mono that we're still waiting for the results.
they said they'd call in the afternoon for the results. yesterday.
He woke up this morning where the swelling got so much worse, I was half a step away from running him to the ER. At this point he literally could only communicate with his hands or typing to me. He convinced me to wait, since he could still breathe throug his nose and he just started taking some CBD oil that I ran out to get him last night.
I was about to be up in arms with these damn doctors. But then the CBD kicked in, his pain near vanished, his swelling halved and he could eat again. This morning he couldn't even drink water but now he's bouncing and I have to keep reminding him he's still on vocal rest.
T__T thank god for cbd
I always praised its benefits but it really worked some miracles this morning!

Posted in Sis in the ER again
Posted 4 years ago