Jolly's posts
Posted in Tired of relatives [UPDATE]
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you!! Good vibes for your cat too, I hope he feels better!
Aw, that reminds me of one day I was out and my mom texted me that our cat lost one of his toes.
My older sis was texting me in a panic cause she doesn't live with us, so she was worried sick.
Mom got EVERYONE so worried.
Then I got home and looked at him laying like a pancake on the sofa with a big grin on his face, all of his beans were accounted for, he just had a little scratch on the side of one of his toes so his white fur had a little bit of blood on it. Like mom, did you actually look at him.. lmfao

Posted in Tired of relatives [UPDATE]
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah I've been talking about it a lot recently cause its getting so close xD
elections at least took my mind off it for a day lmao
Awww are they alright though? Cats are a perfect distraction tbh, I've done that one before Hahaha

Posted in Tired of relatives [UPDATE]
Posted 4 years ago

Haha yeah! I got the job offer back in september or early october xD But I cant begin until I get my massage license, which should hopefully be within the next week if I pass my monday exam.
I'm quite excited though
Haha yeahh... maybe it'll be better than you expect? Whenever I expect my family to be nuts, they act chill. And vice versa XD
If not, maybe there can be ways of like.. peacefully changing the subject haha

Posted in Tired of relatives [UPDATE]
Posted 4 years ago

Its my last day in retail actually lmao But yeah, I'm only worried about the parking lot. A lot of extremists go there to make chaos, especially these teenage wannabe redneck trump worshiping boys that have been troublesome all year.
But yeah, would you have an option to eat dinner alone or somewhere else to avoid family dinner drama?

Posted in Tired of relatives [UPDATE]
Posted 4 years ago

I might give people a few days to digest the results. There may be a lot of tension on the republican side rn, I'm assuming, cause trump lost.
Working in retail today might be interesting >>
I hope your family situation improves or doesn't get any worse at least! ;v;

Posted in Ahhh ah ah! Massage Clinic job!
Posted 4 years ago

After a month of silence, I finally got a response from that Massage therapy job I interviewed with back then (I think I have a previous thread about it--I talk a lot lmao). I started almost settling with the idea that this thing might not happen at all, but decided to prod once more lol It'll be easier to communicate in person so I asked for a second meeting. Also with the question about paperwork because she did previously say she wanted to officialize everything.
I'LL KNOW ON SUNDAY if this thing will be set in stone or not!
Then on monday I take my state exam to get my licensure, and assuming I pass, that means I can quickly begin at this job within a week from now.
I need prayers and good vibes for this man
This means a ton to me
*hyperventilates* xd

Posted in Tired of relatives [UPDATE]
Posted 4 years ago

Your discomfort is totally valid. As someone who struggled to get around without ride help for a LONG time, I can completely understand this defeated feeling of really wanting to do something that is important but you just... cant. But that is okay, please do not feel guilty because circumstances didn't allow you to vote, whatever the results happen to be will NOT be your fault by any means, either way. Sometimes life is just tricky!
Its been said, but tensions are definitely high right now. After butting heads with my mom recently, I'm vowing to just not speak to anyone aside from my partner until people get their heads out of their tails. Some people handle stress by lashing out all around them, unfortunately.

Posted in I cannot catch a friggin break [update!]
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah I hadn't played WoW much since like, 2010. I tried to get back into it last year and it was rubbish, but recently they've made huge changes to it. Squashed the level cap down to 60, made a new beginner zone and so far seems pretty fast with leveling (but not like, TOO fast). And you can play it for free until level 20, even if you already have a high level character. So far I'm kinda liking it

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

Ohhh I love Huevember! I havent attempted it in years ;v;
Haha man no one can spell my names right but its understandable cause they're VERY normal common names, but with one letter different that doesn't affect pronunciation. So when it comes to jobs and such people always have to redo important documents to match my ID spelling xD
But that's slightly irrelevant--sucks that his family is like that. Mine aren't very grand either (I literally have another thread ranting that they threw all my food away last night, for one lmao) but they're more aggressive in their rudeness.
Yes! Its a common brand so you should have it I hope! There are other flavors too like strawberry, but I felt that peach had the best flavor personally. <3

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah makes sense. I usually get a sweet, fizzy moscato or prosecco. There's that Andre peach moscato that's pretty good and I think its about $12? I dont remember xD
They're nice, unlike vodka that I used to drink where my tummy would twist by the middle of my second glass (I get really sweet ones or mix with sweet juices/sprite, so there's too much sugar). Wine just goes down easier and feels better, whether I only have one glass or a couple.

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah this year's halloween is really what you make of it. Haha covid has made everything awkward
Thats sweet! I mean, not that the rest aren't that cool xD but you know what I mean.
My partner also has a good relationship with his family. I haven't met them yet but they look and sound so adorable, I already kinda adore them.

Posted in What did you do on Halloween?
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you! I'll check it out :D
Thats so awesome! I love hearing about good family relationships <3 warms my soul man.
Also reminds me I need to finish watching bly manor on netflix. Its not so much scary, but I'm 2 episodes away from the ending
@miss sandman:
HAHA thats hilarious, you two had the same trauma movies as me XD but I had them both!
I remember my older sis and I used to talk through the wall of our closets at night when we were small. And I remember whining that I was scared, so she'd let me come sleep on her floor by her bed. But then I was even more scared because I was laying on the floor and staring into the darkness under her bed like
"what if an alien is under there looking back at me but I cant see them" D:
I usually get wines around the 15-20$ range so Im still a cheap wine person. But wine out of a box just feels like a lower quality than that in a glass XD
I dunno, its just a weird concept to me. Somehow hit stronger even though the alcohol was only 9% lmao

Posted in I cannot catch a friggin break [update!]
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah I've been actively working on that goal. From college to licensure (which I should hopefully obtain in 5 more days). But then I'll need a couple months to feel for my pay and see what I can afford.
Yeah, same thoughts. I know how much politics affect our lives, but there's only so much to be done about it.
So I just sit quiet and play WoW until I hear further notice. ;v;

Posted in I cannot catch a friggin break [update!]
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah, I wont get too into how annoying my family is cause I know I've ranted about them plenty on here already. But they are two extremes lol Either extremely bad or extremely good, and they contradict themselves on a regular. So living with them is like always having emotional whiplash.
Ive always been apathetic during elections. I care for the results, dont get me wrong, but I dont care to hurt the people around me if they have opposing thoughts. My bf is the same way, so we've just been chilling in our bubble while his room mate gets all stressed out about it in the next room lol