Jolly's posts
Posted in Sis in the ER again
Posted 4 years ago

I say again, because with her type 1 diabetes and for a while she wasn't taking care of herself, ER trips were a norm for 2 years.
But that aside,
I have been fussing with her for many more years about leaving windows open while we sleep. We both have allergies to nature, and when we're asleep, our immune system seems to drop and we're more likely to get sick. Dunno if the last part is factual, but I DEFINITELY wake up sick only when the windows are left open, almost every time. One time I ended up seriously ill for 3 months and she WOULDN'T KEEP THE WINDOWS CLOSED so it kept getting worse until I think she left on a trip and I closed all the windows, or something like that.
Right now the smoke and ash has been on a very bad level for months, and I still find windows open. I keep shutting and locking them, but then they'll open again, letting the smoke in.
I keep speaking up, and she keeps screaming at me in response (she's a little insane, combined with wonky blood sugar levels. She's like this with everyone) and not listening. Her recent thing is when I bring up something like "hey, can you not do this thing" and she'll get pissed and be like "I DIDN'T, YOU DID IT" even though there's no way she could be fooling anyone in this 1x1 interaction lmao Did I mention she's a pathological liar?
I woke up this morning to a text lecturing the rest of us in the house to keep our windows closed and locked because now she's in the ER for a serious asthma attack. Basically, she is blaming everyone else for what she's been told to stop doing.
and I'm just--
Like, I know she's ok, so now I'm just fucking annoyed. :vanora_huff:
Thankfully I've been spending more nights than not at my bf's place where they have the common sense not to sleep with windows open while the mountain fire is literally IN VIEW FROM THE TOWN THAT IS ONLY 20 MINUTES FROM HERE
If I was sleeping at home all this time, I'd probably be in the ER too. Doesn't take much for my lungs to wanna give up lately.

Posted in Apple/Samsung Watches??
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in Adieu
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in Apple/Samsung Watches??
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in CO Fires are going nuts
Posted 4 years ago

Posted in Apple/Samsung Watches??
Posted 4 years ago

I have some questions about these things but I KEEP forgetting to ask whenever I'm in a tech store or talking to my tech coworkers!
My sis wants to get an Apple watch for her husband but we're not sure how well it works?
Like, does it cost extra on the phone bill to have it receive texts and such?
And does it work in a far range away from the phone? Like could he leave his phone at home or in his job's office while he walks around the building, and would it still work, or does it have to be within a bluetooth range?
If any of you know, thank you ;v;
I've never owned one so I would have no clue

Posted in CO Fires are going nuts
Posted 4 years ago

I'm honestly strongly considering buying a respirator mask. I just have normal cloth masks I got off etsy and teepublic (a step up from the cheap ones that retail stores hand out for free). But they definitely dont work for smoke, especially when ashes land on my nose and explode inside the mask >__< lmao
I'm,.. not sure that I do? I feel like I have had one before but I move so many times, I can't remember which home had it LOL
I'll check!
Honestly no idea! I know its harder when its in the mountain terrain, cause you can't simply get vehicles over to it easily. So they rely a lot on helicopters and stuff like that to pour water and other stuff on it.
Last time a fire got close ish to me, I saw helicopters dropping what seemed to be sand on the ground around to make a barrier behind the neighborhoods. If the fire got close enough, I assume it would help slow it down so they can try to save the homes. :O

Posted in Ghosted by a job?
Posted 4 years ago

Thank you! <3
Whatever happens happens :D I think I'll just refrain from getting excited again until there's a schedule set in stone.

Posted in Ghosted by a job?
Posted 4 years ago

Also worth noting, after a conversation with my mom, I AM reminded that the people in northern CO are just terrible at communication overall. I have personally yet to meet anyone here that is not too absorbed in their own minds to have a basic courtesy or communicate in the most basic manner. Like once they understand something, they assume the other party does too. Its like a low empathy thing? Not necessarily unfriendly.
The only people I meet who aren't this way, aren't from here xD
SO she might just be waiting until I get my license. Like she maybe made a new plan and didn't communicate it. Either way, I'll contact her when I get back from my trip, and when I get my license. If there's no word, I'll work at my school clinic anyways. I just wont be able to quit retail yet in case I dont pass my exam... I SHOULD pass it. but idk if it would be wise to quit beforehand.... BAH I want to ;;

Posted in Ghosted by a job?
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah I thought about that the moment she hugged me. Even though I know she meant well, I felt she might have had a sense of kinship with me or wanted me to feel like part of the "family", which is cute. But at the same time it also shows that her level of grounding and sense of boundaries might be lacking as a therapist. ESPECIALLY in Colorado where people tend to hate being touched in unprofessional ways. In the south where I'm from, maybe it'd feel more normal to me xD
But on the same note I can say that that would have nothing to do with me if I worked there as a massage therapist. Based on the information I got in the interview about how they run the place, I'm mostly in charge of myself and I am free to set my own boundaries and do what is right for me. I can set my own schedule too, which is kind of weird coming from a franchise! Those aren't usually so therapist friendly.

Posted in Ghosted by a job?
Posted 4 years ago

Oh yes! I booked the flights about a month ago. I'll be there the last week of october, until the monday after

Posted in Ghosted by a job?
Posted 4 years ago

OUCH, yeah that's kind of happened to me when I visited England before too! Its crazy painful sometimes.
But I did plan this trip to be mostly solo anyways, aside from catching up with my uncle, so it'll still be a blast!
I'll give myself mini quests like seeing my old job, seeing the beach, and finding weird souvs to bring back to my friends lol

Posted in Ghosted by a job?
Posted 4 years ago

Yeah, thats the plan!
Little bummed though, I was meant to visit with some old friend when I go there. But they flaked out on me entirely lol
It'll be a pure solo trip (aside from my uncle, but I dont know if he has any plans outside of working)

Posted in CO Fires are going nuts
Posted 4 years ago