Xnovax's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen kept running different scenarios through his head. None of them really ended well, but that was kind of to be expected right now. He was worried, among other things. He was a tad surprised by Kaneko coming back into the room and sat up, causing him to bite his lip when dull pain spread from his repaired stitches, and his fangs poked his lip. Which didn't feel too good. He smiled though, once he realized it was only Kaneko when she cheerfully spoke about finding more herbs. "Wonderful. I'm sure we could something like that once we got settled, planting them I mean." He said, trying to sound casually. "I should have some books as well, if you'd like to read them- I certainly can't. Most of them are about planting and growing herbs, and what herbs were best to use for certain things. I'm sure you could learn from them." Allen spoke, calming down some.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie nodded lightly, even though she was fiddling with the bottom of the shirt she was wearing. She waited for him to lock up the car, then followed him towards the store. At least things were kept together- hopefully that would make the shopping go by quicker. Maddie stuck close to him as they entered the large store, and he had grabbed a basket. Entering the store alone was almost enough to make her freeze like a deer in head lights, but she manged to keep walking, some how. Holy hell-o at all the people who were wandering about and casually conserving with one of their friends or someone they knew. Maddie lowered her head and walked silently, following Clint kind of like a nervous cat, only wanting one person to know she was even present. She'd be fine. They'd find what they came for and be outta here in no time! Right..? She certainly hoped so.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen listened to her tip-toeing out of his room and slowly sank into the pillow he had propped up again, putting a hand over his head. Now he felt terrible. A silly suggestion? No, it was much more than that.. Was it what she really wanted? She really wanted to help him, that much was obvious. He need a moment to think, clearly. He couldn't very well hunt in his condition and he knew it, so why had he said it? And exactly how long was he willing to put it off? While she was searching his study, he went deeper into thought about it. She had already done so much for him.. Was she really willing to do more? What to do..

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
They had painkillers, which would come in handy when the cramps came, and good for headaches. What about vitamins? Nah, they cost too much. She was certain she'd be fine without them. She blinked he spoke, and nodded lightly. "Mostly anyway.. There are some things I'm not sure about." She admitted shyly. She unbuckled her seat belt once he turned off the car and took a slow, deep breath, before nodding and glancing at him with a small smirk. When he went around and opened the door for her, she easily got out of the car. She'd be fine, right?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen shook his head lightly and lowered his head. "I've tried.. No herb I have can help.. I'd need a blood root flower for that. I could just hunt, that's what I usually do.. " But then the stiches would be a worry. Damn it, he just couldn't win this one. He sighed quietly and leaned against his propped pillow. "I'll be fine for a while, do not fret. Let's just worry about what needs to be done. You are welcome to search my study for anything important I might have missed." He said to her, calming down a bit. Maybe he had overreacted? He didn't mean to, he was just surprised.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shook her head when he spoke, trying not to blush. "I don't mind.. Really.. I was thinking about asking you to come.. Going in the clothing store was pretty nerve wracking, I won't lie.." She said as calmly as possible. At least she didn't have to ask him. Maddie looked out through the window and focused on that instead of what they were going to do when they arrived at the store. " Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant.. " She listed quietly. Pads.. She'd need pads for when her cycle came, but she kept it to herself. "Razors, a hair brush, hair ties.." Yeah, she was mainly talking to herself but hopefully it wouldn't bother Clint. She did that sometimes when her mind started working, or when she was nervous. What else would she need?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
This was bad.. He could feel himself hearing up on the inside while she spoke. It wasn't really anything she had said, just that he didn't know exactly how bad he needed to 'hunt'. That fight really took a lot out of him, more than he realized, and losing blood like he did, didn't help. "Kaneko..wait.. It's not like I said no.. I just.. Please consider your thoughts carefully. I've never ever fed from a human.. So.. You'd have to put quite a bit of trust in me, not to hurt you." He explained nervoisly. Even if she said she wasn't hurt, he could tell she wasn't being completely honest. He could hear it in her voice.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie couldn't help smiling some when she noticed him smile, and when he spoke about guys having a hard time looking for clothes. She bit back a chuckle and nodded lightly. She lowered her eyes when the topic of getting the other things she needed, and had to think about it for a minute. Homeless people didn't go shopping.. How was she supposed to know where to get that stuff? She didn't, but he mentioned getting shampoo from a grocery store and just went with it. If she was lucky, she could find the other stuff there too. "Honestly.. I don't really know where I'd go." She answered truthfully, and calmly. "Most of the time I was fishing for unopened boxes in dumpsters." Hey, it happened. An over-stock or a damaged box usually got tossed for good measures. Or going to a shelter when the time came.. "Let's check the grocery store. If they have shampoo, maybe they'll have the other stuff." She suggested, briefly glancing at him.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen felt his eyes widen when she managed to ask the question. He was excepting her to ask about his lack of shoes.. Not.. Oh boy. He lowered his head some as he listened to Kaneko begin to ramble, which he did mind..but.. Was she really asking him this? The first thing he did was slowly sit up properly before slowly moving more towards the sound of her voice, and rested his hand on of one her. "First, being bitten will only turn you if the venom is put into your blood. A vampire his venom in their fangs much like a snake does, and can do two things- turn you or kill you." He explained, trying to sound calm as t not cause her more worry, or heighten her anxieties. "Second, I couldn't tell you if it hurt or not. When I was bit, it was to turn me and I was already beyond feeling anything, I was dying when my master turned me." He said to her, taking a quiet breath. "Third.. If I was to do that to you I don't know if I could control myself.." Allen said in a slightly shaken voice. Her scent was already so sweet, what if he couldn't stop himself once he bit her? Why was this even a topic of discussion? If it was to explain for the sake of her curiosity sure, but knowing it was because she was suggesting, or offering this- he was unsure how to react or respond really.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie shook her head lightly when he asked if she had any trouble using the card, then reached into her back pocket to get out and held it out to him. "Here.. Um.. I don't want to bend it by sitting on it.." She murmured quietly. Maddie smiled some when he spoke, and nodded. "I found three outfits, two pairs of night clothes, a hoodie, shoes, and.. Yeah.." She said, cutting her sentence off when she came to the underwear. "It wasn't too hard.. Just a little annoying after not finding anything the first ten minutes.." Maddie said, tilting her head when she noticed him get stuck on a train of thought. She blinked when he seemed to snap out of it and opened the door for her. She offered him a small smirk and carefully put her bag in the back seat before getting in and buckling her seat belt, a sign that she was ready to go. Next was hygiene stuff- where'd you even go for that? A dollar store?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen listened to her words with ease and relaxed a bit, slowly fixing the pillow so he could prop up a bit. He listened to her fish through the closest, and was pulling the suitcase from the closest. He felt the shift on the bed when the suitcase was placed onto the bed. He was relieved when he heard her say it was usable, and offered her small smile. "I'm relieved to hear that, lady Kaneko." He said casually, frowning some when the tip of his fangs poked his lip, but his face relaxed soon after, as he listened to Kaneko shuffling around and shifting through his drawers. When tilted his head she spoke, and nodded his head. "Of course." He answered

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie soon found the shoe section and quickly browsed through the small selection, settling for a pair of cheap black and white converse knock-offs and picked up a couple of pairs of socks nearby. Now she had everything she came for so she headed to the check out. She set the basket up on the counter and retrieved the card from her pocket. Hopefully it wouldn't cost too much. Hey wait a minute, didn't she need an ID to us this thing? Maybe not.. He had told her to trust him, and so she would. Lucky for her, the cashier woman didn't ask for an ID when she was given the card and the clothes didn't cost al that much, for what she picked out. Once everything was paid for, she stuck the card back in her back pocket, picked up the large bag of clothes and casually made her way out of the store. She wouldn't admit that her anxiety had risen to a dangerous level, knowing she would be alright once she was outside. Next place.. I'm not going in by myself.. She thought, trying to remember where Clint parked. Maddie sighed quietly once she was outside and easily spotted Clint standing by his car. Relieved by that, she casually made her way over to him, managing a small smirk. She was in there maybe thirty-five minutes, and had decided she hated shopping, clothing shopping anyway. "Hope I didn't make you wait too long." She said to him, lowering her bag to the ground.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen waited patiently, almost embarrassed about his messy room and the state his clothes were probably in. Why did having guest make him suddenly aware of how much his home had been neglected? He listened to her feet as they tip-toed around the bed and his room as she made her way to his wardrobe, and once she was back and helping him put on the shirt, he easily managed to slip it on. Most of his shirts had buttons..but he didn't feel buttons on this one. "Thank you." He said politely, shaking his head some when she asked if he needed anything else. Allen could not help the small frown that had formed when she mentioned tea, and not having the water for it. That would do.. He wondered if he had any water bottles stashed anywhere. When she mentioned packing, he nodded lightly and raised his head. "In the closest there should be a suitcase. I will admit, I don't know what kind of shape it's in thought." He spoke, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. That suitcase was from when him and master first arrived here, and it was the only one he had. Hopefully, it wouldn't be in too bad of a shape..

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
If the car ride had been any longer, surely Maddie would've fallen asleep in the car just like she was. She felt safe, and the motion of the car soothed her. She wasn't even really thinking about anything, except what she should keep an eye out inside the store. She liked casual t-shirts, jeans and sweat pants, high tops for shoes, or boots.. Stuff tomboys usually wear. She didn't ever see herself wearing sparkly tops or poofy dresses. Bleh. Okay, maybe she was thinking about it more than she cared to admit. She lifted her head and glanced at Clint when he spoke about trusting him, and him letting her use his card to shop with. Wait.. What? All she could do was nod lightly. Trust was a big thing in her book, and his too from what she learned about him the last couple of days. Once he parked the car and went to open her door for her, she unbuckled and got out of the car before carefully took hold of the offered card and slid it into her back pocket, where it would be less likely to fall out. She needed a wallet too...and maybe a cell phone.. But she'd figure a way to get that herself. She nodded some to his words. "Okay.. I'll try not to take too long.." She murmured quietly, then started walking towards the clothing store.
She had her mind set on what she wanted for the most part. So, once she was inside, she didn't waste any time gawking over how big this store was and busied herself with finding the right sections of clothing, after picking up a hand basket. She needed women clothing, so she headed to that section first. Ignoring all of the people who were giving her weird looks for the way she dressed, she looked through the shirts to try and find a few with her 'boyish' style, and size. For a woman of her age, she was just pretty slender, and being impatient she quickly grew annoyed with not finding anything right away. So she settled for something a bit less boyish and picked up three different t-shirts, then she went to look at pants. Again. looking for her size was the most tricky. She settled for three pairs of pants, and continued onto the night clothes. Two pairs of comfortable looking, and somewhat 'cute' sets. She picked out a forest green colored hoodie with no pattern or print on it. Next was the underwear. She saved that for last. Maddie had a small chest, so could easily wear a b-cup, as for the other.. She guessed she wore the same size as her pants.
Once she finally had everything, settling for enough clothes to make up three outfits, two sets of night clothes, a hoodie, and her undergarments.. She was forgetting shoes! Or was that a separate store? Some clothing stores had shoes, so she went and took a look around. Heopfully she wasn't taking too long.
She had her mind set on what she wanted for the most part. So, once she was inside, she didn't waste any time gawking over how big this store was and busied herself with finding the right sections of clothing, after picking up a hand basket. She needed women clothing, so she headed to that section first. Ignoring all of the people who were giving her weird looks for the way she dressed, she looked through the shirts to try and find a few with her 'boyish' style, and size. For a woman of her age, she was just pretty slender, and being impatient she quickly grew annoyed with not finding anything right away. So she settled for something a bit less boyish and picked up three different t-shirts, then she went to look at pants. Again. looking for her size was the most tricky. She settled for three pairs of pants, and continued onto the night clothes. Two pairs of comfortable looking, and somewhat 'cute' sets. She picked out a forest green colored hoodie with no pattern or print on it. Next was the underwear. She saved that for last. Maddie had a small chest, so could easily wear a b-cup, as for the other.. She guessed she wore the same size as her pants.
Once she finally had everything, settling for enough clothes to make up three outfits, two sets of night clothes, a hoodie, and her undergarments.. She was forgetting shoes! Or was that a separate store? Some clothing stores had shoes, so she went and took a look around. Heopfully she wasn't taking too long.