Xnovax's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen found it rather different to keep his eyes shut without the bandages, but he'd manage and focus on the task at hand. He carefully handed her the remains of the grounded herbs. "Hold." He instructed quietly, once she had them he went back into the bag to get a few more things. He fished out his small marble mortar and pedestal, the vial of clear liquid, and a small shot glass. "Now, I need you put those remains into the mortar, and grind them into a dust." He instructed quietly, not entirely trusting himself to do it as of now.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
(Owo oh wow, if you wanted to I'm sure you get the other outfits too x3 I just enough tickets to buy the Io outfit)
Maddie sat down on the bed as Clint brought her other bags, and had moved them into the bed as well. First, she opened up the large bag from the clothing store and neatly folded the clothes and set them on the bed, off to the side. Maybe she should've gotten some hangers.. Did she even have anywhere to put her clothes? She sighed quietly and blinked when Clint came back with some books. "Oh, cool. Thanks." She said casually. She smirked some and shook her head lightly. "Not a fan, but I don't mind it once in a while." Maddie explained with a light shrug.
Maddie sat down on the bed as Clint brought her other bags, and had moved them into the bed as well. First, she opened up the large bag from the clothing store and neatly folded the clothes and set them on the bed, off to the side. Maybe she should've gotten some hangers.. Did she even have anywhere to put her clothes? She sighed quietly and blinked when Clint came back with some books. "Oh, cool. Thanks." She said casually. She smirked some and shook her head lightly. "Not a fan, but I don't mind it once in a while." Maddie explained with a light shrug.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen held his eyes closed as the her voice reached his ears. He felt her weight leave the bed and heard her feet scurry across the floor to his side of the bed. He reached and easily found the bag, once she had held it up close to him. He nodded lightly to her question and carefully took it into his own hands and set it.down in his lap. Allen wasted no time in opening the bag and fishing out specific smelling herbs, the ones he used to mix his remedy to be precise. Lucky for him they were grounded remains from the last time he made it. "Hold out your hands, I need you're help this time." He said quietly, knowing he couldn't just lay his things all over the bed. That would.make a mess!

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
(btw, for 150 tickets you can buy the clown suite from the joyful jamberee, or however's spelled)
Maddie smiled some and happily took hold of the offered bag. Did he really think she was gonna let him carry everything, after going and taking her shopping like he did? She was an odd character yes, but she wasn't totally rude. Maddie casually followed him up to the house and stepped inside, being sure to give Clint some room to come in as well. She nodded when he mentioned taking the bags to her room and blinked when he mentioned the books. Oh, right! Silly her. She easily made her way down to her room and put the bag on the bed for now. She'd probably go through them while Clint was either hunting for books, or making dinner.
Maddie smiled some and happily took hold of the offered bag. Did he really think she was gonna let him carry everything, after going and taking her shopping like he did? She was an odd character yes, but she wasn't totally rude. Maddie casually followed him up to the house and stepped inside, being sure to give Clint some room to come in as well. She nodded when he mentioned taking the bags to her room and blinked when he mentioned the books. Oh, right! Silly her. She easily made her way down to her room and put the bag on the bed for now. She'd probably go through them while Clint was either hunting for books, or making dinner.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen kept his eyes closed as he heard Kaneko. Her voice really did give him some piece of mind but he didn't want to move. He could tell she had sat on the bed and began to shift a little. He was laying on his side now, facing Kaneko as she began to speak about taking all the books, instead of just a few, and couldn't help offering her a weak smile. "It's quite alright.." He was relieved they were all packed and ready, and could leave whenever he was ready. "Blood roots are hard to find, but you're right." They didn't need them, not right away. Eventually he would like to have some though. Slowly, he opened his clouded eyes slightly. He wasn't planning on keeping his eyes open long, but he saw something. Allen couldn't make it out, but he noticed a horribly blurred figure next to him. Baffled, and at a complete loss of words, he began to sit up. He slowly reached out and placed a hand on Kaneko's arm, in which a second horribly blurred image into view.
What was this? A trick that his mind was playing on him? Impossible! The more he had them opened, the more they hurt and soon he was closing his eyes and biting back the urge to hiss. "Get me my bag, please.." He murmured quietly, balling a handful of the bed blanket into his hand.
What was this? A trick that his mind was playing on him? Impossible! The more he had them opened, the more they hurt and soon he was closing his eyes and biting back the urge to hiss. "Get me my bag, please.." He murmured quietly, balling a handful of the bed blanket into his hand.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
With the car ride being so quiet, and her being so worn out from the little shopping adventure, Maddie dozed off as Clint drove. It was nothing but a cat nap, but either way, she looked peaceful enough. She only woke when the car stopped and yawned a little just as Clint came around and opened her door. Maddie nodded and got out of the car, closing the door since Clint had bags in his hands. "Can I help carry something?" She asked curiously, since they were mostly her things any way. Besides that, he didn't have to carry everything. She was there, and she wanted to help if she could.
(bleh xD)
(bleh xD)

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
It wouldn't be surprising if she had managed to find a book on the history and people of the manor. He had a book on it somewhere, whether it was in his study or placed elsewhere and forgotten about. That probably wasn't the case though, seeing how he tried to keep his things tidied up as much as he could.
Allen slept a little while longer before beginning to wake. Actually kind of hungry now, since he could indeed eat like a human being, it just wasn't required. He could always 'hunt' to feel the need, but saw no point in it if he wasn't craving. Would that change though? What if he came to point where he couldn't eat normal food, and had to rely on hunting? That wasn't a pleasant thought. He could hear faint shuffling of Kaneko's feet as she moved around whatever room she was in, and slowly opened his eyes. Bad idea. The first thing he felt was pain and instinctively grabbed the pillow under him. since he had rolled over to his side while he slept, and closed his eyes once more. Damn! He should've made the remedy before taking a nap.
Allen slept a little while longer before beginning to wake. Actually kind of hungry now, since he could indeed eat like a human being, it just wasn't required. He could always 'hunt' to feel the need, but saw no point in it if he wasn't craving. Would that change though? What if he came to point where he couldn't eat normal food, and had to rely on hunting? That wasn't a pleasant thought. He could hear faint shuffling of Kaneko's feet as she moved around whatever room she was in, and slowly opened his eyes. Bad idea. The first thing he felt was pain and instinctively grabbed the pillow under him. since he had rolled over to his side while he slept, and closed his eyes once more. Damn! He should've made the remedy before taking a nap.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie didn't argue. Maybe she would get used to it, with a little bit of time. Cline had promised not to throw her out, no matter what- but that didn't mean she could've leave if she wanted. Which she didn't. Not now anyway. The man really thought they could beat the cult, or at least wait them out, and she wanted to trust him. She blinked at his teasing comment and rose an eyebrow, shaking her head lightly. Maddie sighed when he admitted to only teasing her and managed a small smile. Of course he was. Books sounded nice right about now too. Books, and a nice hot dinner. She had told him the day she woke on his couch, that she wasn't a picky eater, and she wasn't. She'd eat it as long as it was edible. Now she was just chillin' and glancing out of the window.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen wasn't a very heavy sleeper unless he had taken the remedy for his eyes, so he stirred some when Kaneko woke and began moving about. His body recognized that he needed the rest though, so he didn't wake just yet. He did however stretch over the warm area where Kaneko had laid moments before. At least he had cooled down at some point while he slept.
A lot of times, Blood Root flowers were found up in the mountains, so finding it wouldn't be very easy. Though, Allen was considering taking her to the mountains. It's where they would be the safest. He just hadn't considered how to get there yet. If he wasn't currently healing, he could just take her and run and they'd get there before no time- but that wasn't the case. He wouldn't be able to see where he was going either. He was honestly quite clueless about the world outside of this town.
A lot of times, Blood Root flowers were found up in the mountains, so finding it wouldn't be very easy. Though, Allen was considering taking her to the mountains. It's where they would be the safest. He just hadn't considered how to get there yet. If he wasn't currently healing, he could just take her and run and they'd get there before no time- but that wasn't the case. He wouldn't be able to see where he was going either. He was honestly quite clueless about the world outside of this town.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie managed a small smirk. "Yeah.. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, even with my anxiety trying to convince me otherwise." She said with a quiet chuckle. When Clint unlocked the car and opened the door for her, she easily slid into the car and buckled her seat belt. To say her mind was wandering was an understatement. She'd probably be thinking about it the rest of the day, until she found something else to think about anyway. She nodded to his question and glanced at him. "That was everything, we can go back to your place now." Maddie answered casually, once again feeling her stomach growling again. She lightly crossed her arms over her stomach and huffed quietly. What time was it anyway? Probably close to dinner time.. They left later in the afternoon after all. "Maybe we can dinner?" She more-so asked than anything. Was he even hungry?

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen waited a bit before slowly getting up and heading to the bathroom to wash his face. Why did he feel so hot? Is it normal, being his first time feeding a human? After washing his face and hand, with what little water came out, he leaned over the sink a bit longer before carefully making his way back to the bed and laid down beside Kaneko. At some point, he too fell asleep.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie was afraid of looking at anybody as they passed people, or people passed them, so she just kept her head down and eyes low. She briefly glanced up at the cashier, then quickly lowered her eyes again. Once everything was paid for, she happily followed Clint outside, and away from the hell they just crawled out of. Maddie sighed. She really needed to do something about her over-acting thoughts. It wasn't hell, it was just a grocery store. A big store where lots of people liked to gather for different reasons, and shop. She still didn't like it though. Maddie easily followed Clint to his car and ran a hand through her long black hair.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
He smiled in short relief. Good, she was alright. "Really? I'm content to hear that." About it not hurting. Allen nodded some when she mentioned collecting some books, but decided on taking a nap first. Oh good, he didn't have to worry about her trying to push herself. He relaxed against the pillow, wondering what his eyes must've looked like after that.. He was curious. Allen closed his eyes and just relaxed. He wouldn't be going anywhere without her.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
She hated shopping. Hated it. The people were loud, the music was deafening, the isles were packed with too many things to chose from. Okay.. Maybe her anxiety was getting to her. It wasn't that bad! Maddie took a deep breath and slowly breathed out, nodding to Clint when he mentioned paying, and then they could go home. She casually followed him, keeping her eyes on the floor as they walked. She could relax once they got back to the house. Her stomach rumbled quietly in protest. Or she get something to eat.. That would work.