Xnovax's posts
Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen slowly nodded his head when she spoke. He didn't really say anything at first, and after a minute he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, trying not get any blood on his nice shirt. "I'm fine.." He murmured softly. This feeling, was it normal? Maybe he'd be fine in a minute. What about her? "Are you alright?" He asked quietly out of concern. Had he taken too much? Even so, she should rest a bit before getting up and around.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie briefly lowered her gaze, seeing how he reacted. Totally normal for a guy to act like that, right? Her own cheeks darkened with blush as he attempted to lighten the mood. Really with the joke? Really? It didn't help, and with his statement she figured he got that message. She followed him over to the next isle and silently hoped they could easily spot them. It took a minite, between panty liners, tampons, 'diapers' for people with a more severe bladder problem, and finally she found pads. She didn't even wait for Clint to say anything before going over to them, looking over the different sizes and brands, and picking up a medium sized bag. This much would probably last her about three months. Maddie put it in the basket and sighed. The nightmare was nearly over with. Now all they had to do was check out and go. Finally!

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
They missed it? Weird.. She certainly spent enough time in that isle. He had a point though, they weren't looking for it at the time. She followed Clint as he walked a bit. She blinked when he pointed out that he had found them and sighed quietly. This place.. She couldn't wait to be done here so they could leave. Maddie walked over to the section and all but facepalmed. Again with all the different types to choose from! What the hell? She was rather annoyed as she looked through the different ones. What kind could she even use? She ended up choosing one for sensitive skin and just went with it, picking it up and putting it in the basket. Next was.. Pads.. She silently cursed and glanced at Clint nervously. "The last thing we need is pads.. Then we can check out and go." God, this was embarrassing !

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Instinctively, Allen brought his other hand to her lower arm and gently held it. His mind going a bit foggy and his eyes closing as he drank from her, one thing on his mind. After a few long minutes, Allen found it difficult to stop. Her blood was nothing like animal blood. It was sweet and quite addictive, just like her scent. An image of his master flashed through his mind, and his crimson eyes shot open. He removed his fangs from her wrist and brought one of his hands up just below his darkened lips. Allen felt very warm and his breathing hardened as if recovering from a panic attack. He'd need a moment to collect himself.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie was quiet as she ran the list through her head again. Didn't really need a list when she had one memorized. She only had three things left to get, unless she happened to find something she hadn't thought about. Did she even need razors? She didn't really have any hair to shave.. Not on her legs, underarms or other places.. Okay, so two things. "Deodorant." She said after coming out of her thoughts. She didn't need perfume or anything like that.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen slowly placed a hand under her wrist as she held it up, lightly pressing two fingers against the warm skin. He needed to know where the most blood flow was, so he'd know where not to bite. "Try and relax.." He said quietly, not really knowing how much help it would be, even he was shaking a little. Of course, he couldn't tell if it from nerves or from his craving. With some patience, he found the vein in the wrist, and moved his fingers up a bit as to avoiding hitting that vein. Allen slowly lowered his head towards her offered wrist and opened his mouth enough to do what needed to be done. His fangs pierced the skin like two needles, and that would be about as much pain as there would be, the rest was supposedly more like a euphoric. The instant he felt her warm blood reach him, his eyes turned crimson.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
She found him both amusing and distracting. Hairbrushes, thank god! Maddie glanced at him curiously when he mentioned them being around here somewhere, but failed to see any. She did see body wash though, which must've slipped her mind. Why that on this isle, and not with the purfumes? Whatever the case, she pointed at the body wash, but he had already rounded the corner. She sighed and took a quick look through the soaps and picked one up that had vitamin E and aloe in it, then hurried followed after Clint. "Forgot body wash." She murmured, putting the bottle in the basket. She blinked at the hairdyes and smirked. Maybe she could she her hair while she was at it. Nah. Her eyes skimmed down the isle until she spotted the hairbrushes and casually walked over to the section. Ugh, so many different ones! This would be tricky.. Despite her hard head, her scalp was rather tender.. So, she picked up a few different ones and felt how hard the bristles were. A square one she found didn't feel too hard, maybe this would work? If only she test it before buying it. She found a.color she liked, purple, and put it in the basket. She still needed deodorant, razors and the other thing.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen listened quietly to her feet as they came around the bed, and lifted his head some when the bed shifted some under her weight. He couldn't believe he was considering this.. It was for the best though, just this once. His could clearly be seen up close, poking out from under his upper lip. "Hold out your wrist." He instructed quietly. Of course it would hurt, but he'd try not to hurt her more than he had to. No way was he going for the neck. It was far too risky, and he wouldn't do that to her.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie couldn't help smirking lightly when Clint spoke. She listened to him explain why he used the 'medium' and not the 'soft' but she wasn't sure if 'medium' would be enough.. Her gums were probably a nightmare since she never went to the dentist, so she nodded and looked through the different kinds of toothnrushes. She found a dark green 'medium ' toothbrush and glanced at the price before putting it in the basket. Well, that was easy enough. Next was a more..feminine product. Where would that be? Or maybe she could look for a hair brush first. Really, she was just putting off the pads as much as she could.

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
He was pleased to hear the glee in her voice, it meant she was happy. She would get to do things her parents didn't allow, he would make sure of that.
Allen still couldn't believe it, even after hearing it a couple of times now. He slowly sat up properly. Just this once.. He couldn't very well go out like this! His senses were much more sensitive when he was 'thirtsy', that and fangs were much more visible. Allen lightly patted the spot on the bed next to him. "Come here." He said quietly , as he didn't want to make it sound like a demand.
Allen still couldn't believe it, even after hearing it a couple of times now. He slowly sat up properly. Just this once.. He couldn't very well go out like this! His senses were much more sensitive when he was 'thirtsy', that and fangs were much more visible. Allen lightly patted the spot on the bed next to him. "Come here." He said quietly , as he didn't want to make it sound like a demand.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Her teeth weren't really sensitive.. but she would personally like a toothpaste that wasn't going to burn her mouth, or taste like a load of chemicals. He went with Crest of Colgate. She looked over the different kinds that had Crest labels on them and arches an eyebrow. Really? She counted like six different ones! And Colgate had eight! What the heck? She ended up picking up a spearmint one with a Colgate label and put it in the basket, after checking the price.

Posted in Io, The Blind Oracle: Tarot
Posted 6 years ago
I've never done this before! :D
Hope I do it right x.x
Hope I do it right x.x

Posted in Blood in Roses
Posted 6 years ago
Allen chuckled quietly. "Well now, we can't have that. I used to have two herb gardens, and a flower garden. They tend to need a lot of attention during certain seasons, but it's not hard. It does take time though." He said casually, slowly leaning against his pillow once more. He could hear her shuffling around in a bag and figured she was putting the herbs she found away. He chuckled again at the mention of his books. "My dear, that is because they're not from around here. I found them a long time ago you see, I could even bet they'd be considered antiques by now." Allen spoke, a small smirk across his lips. He nodded lightly when she said she would grab a couple and lowered his head some. "I'm.." He hesitated. She didn't deserve to be lied to, not when she was trying so hard to help him. "My.. craving.. seems to be worse than I had anticipated.." He said quietly, unsure of what else to call it. "I can't hunt in my current condition unless I want to risk opening the stitches again.." He admitted wearily, placing a hand over his head. "I'm in no pain though." He made sure to tell her that.

Posted in Forsaking the Past
Posted 6 years ago
Maddie tried to keep herself focused on Clint, and the task at hand. First they needed shampoo, so when he mentioned having a 'looksie' she nodded lightly and did just that. She looked over all the different kinds they had, and curiously lifted up some of her hair as if inspecting it. It was a tad damaged, but not too badly, nothing to buy special shampoo for. But what scent did she want? She looked over the cheaper brands and the scents, mentally trying to pair a shampoo and a conditioner of the same scent. She liked strawberries, but how sweet would the shampoo smell? Carefully, she opened the lid and took a small whiff, scrunching her nose a bit and closing it, then put it back. Too sweet. They had ocean breeze, topical mango, kiwi, pomegranate. She picked up the last one and took a small whiff and closed it. She found the conditioner mate and easily put them in the basket. He mentioned toothpaste and frowned. Right, she needed to brush her teeth regularly. Maddie wandered down the isle a bit to look at toothpaste and toothbrushes, then glanced at him. "What kind of toothpaste do you use?" She asked curiously.